Thibault Louis
Former member (Ph.D. student, oct. 2020)
Recent publications [all]
Implementation and benefits of high fidelity interactive systems : from a more performant control to faster 3D objects learning. (2020)
Louis -
GyroSuite: General-Purpose Interactions for Handheld Perspective Corrected Displays (2020)
In UIST 2020 - 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
Louis, Troccaz, Rochet-Capellan, Bérard -
When High Fidelity Matters: AR and VR Improve the Learning of a 3D Object (2020)
In AVI 2020 -International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
Louis, Troccaz, Rochet-Capellan, Hoyek, Bérard