F. Paterno's publications with EHCI [bibtex|json]
International refereed conference papers
Supporting museum co-visits using mobile devices
In Proceedings of MobileHCI'04.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3160.
Laurillau, Paterno (work done at CNR-ISTI (Italy))
National refereed conference papers
CoCicero: Un Système Interactif pour la Visite Collaborative de Musée sur Support Mobile
In Actes de la Conférence Francophone IHM'2004, Namur, Belgique..
Laurillau, Paterno (work done at CNR-ISTI (Italie))
Others publications
A comparison of Approaches for Specifying Multimodal Interactive Systems
In ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), Nancy.
Coutaz, Paterno, Faconti, Nigay