Sandrine Balbo's publications [bibtex|json]
National refereed conference papers
Evaluation des interfaces utilisateur : Taxonomie et Recommandations (1994)
In IHM'94, Lille.
Coutaz, Balbo
Others publications
Supporting Usability Evaluation through Software Engineering Tools, Workshop on “Model for Developing High Impact Formative Evaluation Methods” (1994)
In CHI’94, Boston.
Coutaz, Salber, Balbo, Jambon
International refereed conference papers
Towards Automatic Evaluation of Multimodal User Interfaces (1993)
In International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces, Orlando, USA, ACM New York Publ., Wayne Gray, William Hefley, D. Murray Eds.
Balbo, Coutaz, Salber -
Automatic Evaluation in Human Computer Interaction (1993)
In The Ergonomics Society 1993 Annual Conference, Edinburgh, E.J. Lovesey Ed., Taylor & Francis Publ.
Balbo, Coutaz
National refereed conference papers
Modèles de tâches : Analyse comparative, utilité, limitations (1993)
In IHM'93, ECL Lyon Publ.
Balbo, Coutaz
National refereed journal articles
Towards the Automatic Evaluation of Multimodal User Interfaces (1993)
In numéro spécial “Intelligent User Interfaces”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 6(4).
Coutaz, Salber, Balbo
National refereed conference papers
Une taxonomie pour les méthodes d’évaluation des interfaces homme-machine (1992)
In IHM’92, Paris, Telecom Paris Publ.
Balbo, Coutaz -
Un pas vers l’évaluation automatique des interfaces homme-machine (1992)
In ERGO-IA’92.
Balbo, Coutaz
International refereed conference papers
Applications: A Dimension Space for User Interface Management Systems (1991)
In Proc. CHI'91, ACM Publ.
Coutaz, Balbo